usrah budi 1


April 11, 2021

 Assalamualaikum, greetings to all. In this post, I will be sharing my thoughts on completing this course, CCUB1061 - Usrah Budi I. 

First of all, this course had teach me to be confidence. During our first class, our naqibah told us introduced ourselves and to turn on our camera, given the situation of online class. I actually don't really like to turn of my camera because I feels weird and I definitely doesn't like to speak in front of people. But, for this class, I gather my courage and did what I was told. After that, I realized that turning on the camera wasn't really weird and speaking in front of people wasn't that bad. Well, it may be because I don't literally stand in front of people but it went well anyway.

Because of our current pandemic situation, we were forced into a new norm. As I said earlier, we were now forced to attend our classes virtually. I usually have no problem with my internet connection on a good day, or in the morning especially but there was one day when it caused me a headache. Then, I realized,  not everything will work they way we wanted it. And with this challenge, it makes me to be more patient and keep trying. When I keep trying to connect to the platform, I will eventually get in and attend the class normally, even though it was just few minutes before my naqibah ends our class.

I also learnt that I shouldn't procrastinate. During one of class, our naqibah give us fifteen minutes to collect information on a given topic and present it in front of the class. It seems like a fifteen minutes break is a long time but it wasn't. As we are to present in group or have the group representative to present our finding, I need to communicate with my groupmate. This indirectly, improve my social skills.

My biggest wish at this moment is for this pandemic to settle down so that we can resume our live a little easier. I am not sure of other people but I am having a hard time adjusting to live in the new norm. I am glad that I am able to go through my first semester (semester I 2020/2021) with minimal issues. 

This current semester is pretty challenging for me. From the subjects that I took to the people I have to works with to the technical issues I came across to join classes, it definitely pressing me down. I am hoping that I can, once again, go through this online semester just fine. Well, if I can do it once, I can do it twice, right?

I wanted to say thank you to, firstly my naqibah, Sr. Hanifah(I hope I spell your name right), for guiding us throughout the classes and shares with us your knowledge. I also wanted to say thank you to my fellow groupmate, Raihan, Aina, Safiah and Aina for being amazing and cooperative and great while we are completing the tasks. I hope we can stay connected even though we are no longer share the same class. That's all from me, thank you so much!


Hikmah of Appreciating the Nature (Collaboration)

April 10, 2021

 Assalamualaikum, greetings to all. For task one, we are given the topic of Hikmah of Appreciating the Nature. My group decided to make a poster because it is easier for us.

As you can see from the poster, we divided the hikmah into three parts; (i) Spiritually, which we discussed the benefit of appreciating nature in regards to our relationship with Allah, (ii) For the future generation, and lastly, to our own (iii) Health. We also shared some trivia about the nature in our poster.

Through this platform, I would like to say thank you to my groupmate for being cooperative and make it possible for us to finish editing this poster and submit it on time. Thank you!