
Reflection on Kebun-Kebun (KKB)

November 19, 2021

 Assalamualaikum, greetings everyone. I got the opportunity to attend to a Webinar with a community volunteer from KKB, Ms. Joanne Mun.


  • a community city garden and farm
  • established in 2017
  • located at Lorong Bukit Pantai, 59100 Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur
  • all produce will be given back to the underprivileged community / to the volunteers
  • operation hour every day (except Monday) from 8 AM to 7 PM
  • volunteers are welcome to walk in on Wednesday or Saturday from 9 AM to 12 PM
  • Facebook page : KEBUN-KEBUN BANGSAR
  • Instagram page : KEBUN-KEBUN BANGSAR
Here is an interview video with the founder of KKB, Ng Sek S took from Mynd Youtube Channel,



I personally think that this KKB effort is an amazing effort especially in the view of sustainability. The community around the KKB can leave their organic waste at the parking at of the garden and those waste then will be turned into compost fertilizer. And that fertilizer will be used for their vegetables and plants. 

The most remarkable thing that they did is how the give back to the community. Volunteers are welcomed to help at the farm and they produce from the farm will be given back to them. Aside from the volunteers, the underprivileged community also will be benefitted from this organization.

If you are interested in knowing more about KKB, just visit their FB or IG page as I have linked up there (or you can just visit them yourself!) And if you are interested to know more about the Webinar sharing, here is the Youtube video on that. Thank you!

p/s: I'm hoping to visit them one of these days


Reflection on Islam and Sustainability

November 06, 2021

 Assalamualaikum, greetings everyone. As per the title, here now we will see the connection between Islam and Sustainability. Islam is the way of living, with the guidance from the Quran and Sunnah, we will be able to be living in harmony and peace.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him reported; The Messenger of Allah (ï·º) said, "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased)." - Muslim

From this hadith, there is a concept of sustainable amal, which can be understand as even though a man had died, his amal from when he was living is still giving benefits to him and all other people. The first amal mentioned in the hadith is sadaqah jariyah or charity. Even though a man had died, his charity works that benefits another people will continuously be counted. This can be translated as a sustainable consumption. Second thing is a knowledge that give benefits. For every knowledge that the deceased taught to another, as long as it is being practiced and taught to another people, he too will reap the benefit of it. The continuous sharing of knowledge will then lead to more innovation and development which brought us to the sustainable development concept. And lastly, a virtuous descendant who prays for him. A good child will pray for his parents hence being good to every child is important. This concept of sustainable future the older generation, so that the future generation can follow the footsteps of those who are good to them and give back.


So, in understanding SDGs, we as Muslims must always took in our mind that Islam had care for the people, plant and environment long ago. If yesterday we are not interested in participating with the SDG as it is 'too complicated' , today we should take our first small steps towards achieving SDG for the sake of Allah. 


Reflection on Systematic Thinking

November 01, 2021

 Asslamualaikum, greetings to all. Dealing with SDG will require more critical thinking, decision making and problem solving. Hence, now we are going to look at the systematic thinking.


Well, it is understanding how different parts of a system can influence one another within a whole. It will enables and encourages us to understand the complexity of this world.


Unlike the analytic thinking or the traditional thinking, systematic thinking requires more skill sets to establish a holistic view of a system and its behavior. The world today is more complex than what it used to. With the advancement of technology and Internet, everything is at the fingertip. With such advancement, the traditional linear way of thinking is no longer relevant. This is where systematic came into the picture.



As pointed out earlier, the advancement of this world is making it more complicated and complex. In order to solve the problem with such complexity, new methods of solution are required. To do so, the old way of thinking is no longer suitable. 

Sustainability is an on-going problem. Trying to solve the issues of sustainability the way they did before will may lead to more disaster or problem. With the tools of systematic thinking, like, feedback loops and systematic mapping will help the person in charge to make a better, more dynamic, suitable and resilient solution for the problem.


Reflection on Sustainable Development Goals Lectures

October 08, 2021

 Assalamualaikum, greetings to all. Here I will share on my thoughts and what I learnt from the first lecture for the subject UNGS201 - Sustainable Development: Issues, Policies, and Practices.

So, what is Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)?

"The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the world’s shared plan to end extreme poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the planet by 2030." 


Based on the video above, I can understand that all 17 goals in SDG are implemented in 5 different pillars that are;

  1. PEOPLE (Goals 1,2,3,4,5)
  2. PLANET (Goals 6, 12,13,14,15)
  3. PROSPERITY (Goals 7,8,9,10,11)
  4. PEACE (Goals 16)
  5. PARTNERSHIP (Goals 17)

To understand why SDG is important, the following video is shared


The points that I get from watching this video is SDG is important because:
  1. The future generation should have the same opportunity of doing what we are doing now.
  2. The planet is having serious issues that can threaten the livelihood of plants, animals and even humans
  3. Natural resources like oil need to be sustained to be used in the future or looking for its alternative is the best plan
  4. Need to ensure a fair distribution of supply
  5. To give the rights of education to all people

Before SDG came into the picture, Millennium Development Goals (MDG) was started in the year 2000. To know more about the transition from MDG to SDG, the following video is shared:


SDG officially born in 2012, replacing the initial MDG that started in the year 2000. MDG had achieved some remarkable change including:

  1. More than 1 billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty (since 1990)
  2. Child mortality dropped by more than half (since 1990)
  3. The number of out of school children has dropped by more than half (since 1990)
  4. HIV/AIDS infections fell by almost 40 percent (since 2000)
Because the world is changing and there is so much more to be achieved, SDG had taken into the place with the hope of achieving more. 

As SDG is a global framework in changing the world for the better, the video below will shows Malaysia's SDG:


In my opinion, even though some of the numbers are small, it is still a change. What matters are the effort towards achieving the goals. As long as the effort is continuous, we can make a significant change for the world.


  1. Sustainable Development Goals - https://unfoundation.org/what-we-do/issues/sustainable-development-goals/?gclid=CjwKCAjw2P-KBhByEiwADBYWCivwO8TnOXqxWNOVNQ5qUiq6dePxI7jIoKIQFU4uETUJDdCmn2M6BRoCk7cQAvD_BwE
  2. Background of Sustainable Development Goals - https://www1.undp.org/content/oslo-governance-centre/en/home/sustainable-development-goals/background.html


Benefits of Having Good Niyyah

August 24, 2021

 Assalamualaikum, greetings to all. The last group work for the usrah course is to make an infographic poster of the chosen topic. As per the title, my group had chosen the topic of 'Benefits of having good niyyah'.

 designed with canva.com


  1. As the anchor of every action and deed 
  2. Good inspiration for future generation
  3. Get reward from Allah SWT
  4. Having any sincerity in any deed
  5. Good intention makes the habit 

Since the first point is mine, I would like to explain it a little further. 

Based on the collection of 40 Hadith Shah Waliullah, the 33rd Hadith stated that,

 'Actions are through intention'. 

All of our actions, be it a daily habits or something new, all of it comes from our intention or niyyah. Let's say, if a person have absolutely no intention in getting up to perform his fajr prayer, he will not do so. However, if a person have the willingness to perform the fajr prayer and he intend to wake up, he will.

These intentions or niyyah to do something, be it good or bad, will be the anchor for the actions and deeds. Having a good intention will be the guide for him to plan his actions and deeds so that he can realize his intention. However, while executing his actions to realize his intention, he may will stray away from the good deeds and actions. As his initial intention is to do something good, Allah SWT may help him to come back to his sense so that he can correct his actions. 

In a hadith narrated by Umar Al-Khattab, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

"The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever has emigrated for Allah and His Apostle, then his emigration was for Allah and His Apostle. And whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, then his emigration was for what he emigrated for." -Sahih Bukhari

Hence, all of our actions and deeds, it is all came from our intention. If bad is what we intend for, then bad it will be and if good is what we intend for, then good it will be.

usrah budi 2


August 22, 2021


During the time I spent in this course, I personally feels like I have learnt so much more. Even though the topics discussed were something that I am familiar of, there are still new knowledge to gain. As the part of the assessment require us to work in group, I realize the importance of leadership and group work. In group, all workload and burden should be shared, so communication is the important part of it. 

I also realize that I have to plan ahead. During my group presentation, I have a connection problem so the presentation is a little confusing on my part as what I explain and what the slide showed is different. That might affect the audience's focus and understanding. And for that, I am so sorry.

I truly enjoys my time in this course. I personally really love how my naqibah, Sister Ain summed up all of our presentation. And sometimes gives additional information for us to study on. I also loves how Sister Ain asked us to conduct an activity after the presentation. Even though there was a very little options on how and what we are going to do because of the online class, I think it was all fun. 

Lastly, I wanted to say thank you to my groupmates; Aimie, Raihan, Yasmin and Aini for being amazing and responsible. I loves working with them as they are all easy to communicate with and also very understanding. I also wanted to thank Sister Ain for being a great and amazing instructor. Thank you so much. I hope we can all meet one day. Stay safe everyone~


The Virtues Found in Sawm (Fasting)

August 22, 2021

 Assalamualaikum, good day everyone. In usrah 2, we are assigned to a group of five and was asked to present any chosen topic. As per the title, my group had chose to present the topic of 'The Virtues Found in Sawm (Fasting)'. The presentation slide is below:

Since there are five of us, we divided the presentation into five parts;-

  1. Introduction to sawm (Aimie)
  2. Virtue 1 - Sabr (Yasmin)
  3. Virtue 2 - Takrim (Raihan)
  4. Virtue 3 - Rahmah (Suraya)
  5. Relationship between sawm and health (Noraini)
  6. Conclusion (Noraini)

During the day of the presentation, there was some internet problem on my part which cause a little confusion during the presentation. We also conducted an online quiz for the activity using the quizziz website. 

usrah budi 1


April 11, 2021

 Assalamualaikum, greetings to all. In this post, I will be sharing my thoughts on completing this course, CCUB1061 - Usrah Budi I. 

First of all, this course had teach me to be confidence. During our first class, our naqibah told us introduced ourselves and to turn on our camera, given the situation of online class. I actually don't really like to turn of my camera because I feels weird and I definitely doesn't like to speak in front of people. But, for this class, I gather my courage and did what I was told. After that, I realized that turning on the camera wasn't really weird and speaking in front of people wasn't that bad. Well, it may be because I don't literally stand in front of people but it went well anyway.

Because of our current pandemic situation, we were forced into a new norm. As I said earlier, we were now forced to attend our classes virtually. I usually have no problem with my internet connection on a good day, or in the morning especially but there was one day when it caused me a headache. Then, I realized,  not everything will work they way we wanted it. And with this challenge, it makes me to be more patient and keep trying. When I keep trying to connect to the platform, I will eventually get in and attend the class normally, even though it was just few minutes before my naqibah ends our class.

I also learnt that I shouldn't procrastinate. During one of class, our naqibah give us fifteen minutes to collect information on a given topic and present it in front of the class. It seems like a fifteen minutes break is a long time but it wasn't. As we are to present in group or have the group representative to present our finding, I need to communicate with my groupmate. This indirectly, improve my social skills.

My biggest wish at this moment is for this pandemic to settle down so that we can resume our live a little easier. I am not sure of other people but I am having a hard time adjusting to live in the new norm. I am glad that I am able to go through my first semester (semester I 2020/2021) with minimal issues. 

This current semester is pretty challenging for me. From the subjects that I took to the people I have to works with to the technical issues I came across to join classes, it definitely pressing me down. I am hoping that I can, once again, go through this online semester just fine. Well, if I can do it once, I can do it twice, right?

I wanted to say thank you to, firstly my naqibah, Sr. Hanifah(I hope I spell your name right), for guiding us throughout the classes and shares with us your knowledge. I also wanted to say thank you to my fellow groupmate, Raihan, Aina, Safiah and Aina for being amazing and cooperative and great while we are completing the tasks. I hope we can stay connected even though we are no longer share the same class. That's all from me, thank you so much!


Hikmah of Appreciating the Nature (Collaboration)

April 10, 2021

 Assalamualaikum, greetings to all. For task one, we are given the topic of Hikmah of Appreciating the Nature. My group decided to make a poster because it is easier for us.

As you can see from the poster, we divided the hikmah into three parts; (i) Spiritually, which we discussed the benefit of appreciating nature in regards to our relationship with Allah, (ii) For the future generation, and lastly, to our own (iii) Health. We also shared some trivia about the nature in our poster.

Through this platform, I would like to say thank you to my groupmate for being cooperative and make it possible for us to finish editing this poster and submit it on time. Thank you!